Alex & Clayton Page 3
“I’m cumming!”
“Yes! Fill me with your cum! Make it drip out of my hole!” Scott pleaded.
Finally, stream after stream of hot cum shot deep into Scott’s bowels. Alex counted at least seven shots leaving his dick. When he was done, he pulled out of Scott and wiped the tip of his cock off on Scott’s ass. He stood up, smacked Scott hard on the ass once more, and went into the bathroom, where he rinsed off his cock in the sink, dried it, and went back into the living room.
There, he found Scott lying on the floor with his ass up.
“That was an incredible experience. Thank you so much! If you wanna get it up again, you can take my ass again!”
“Nah, thanks, though. I just broke you in real good. Any man should be able to fuck you now, and you won’t feel like you’re being hurt by the next dick. Thanks for giving me your ass,” Alex said.
Scott rolled over and looked Alex up and down, taking his time admiring the now soft dick that hung between Alex’s legs.
“Can I suck your dick some?”
“Actually, I think it’s time for you to go. You got what you asked for, and I’ve got business to attend to. Thanks for the piece of ass and the information on federal law enforcement,” he said, looking down at Scott.
“Oh… I see, sure,” Scott said.
He got up and put on his underwear and the rest of his clothes as Alex lit a cigarette. Alex looked out the window as Scott finished dressing. When Alex felt Scott’s hand slide down over his bare ass, he knew Scott was dressed.
“Thanks again, Alex. You’re a beautiful man with an incredible dick. My ass feels a little sore from that fuck you just threw into me, so it musta been good! I’ll call you. Is that okay?”
“Sure, Scott, you can call me.”
“Maybe I can get a second fuck from you, eh?”
“We’ll see. Thanks for coming over,” Alex said as he continued to look out the window. When he heard his door close, Alex turned away from the window and sat down on the sofa.
He thinks his ass is sore now; wait for a few hours, guy! Alex thought to himself. Alex felt satisfied that he had not only gotten to ride a guy’s ass rough and hard but settled a bit of an old score at the same time. After all, he only gave the boy what he asked for, now didn’t he?
Alex laughed out loud. He got dressed and took Scott’s advice, making some phone calls to Washington, DC. Having the option to retire in his early forties was greatly appealing. He made contact with several government agencies to find out who was hiring and was surprised to find a couple that were searching for veterans.
After packing a few things in a suit bag, he went to bed early that night. The next morning he got up, showered, dressed, and after coffee, packed his car and headed to Washington, DC. His first stop was going to be a hotel for the night, with the possibility of staying an extra night if events warranted the extension.
He checked into the Rosemont Hotel on Dupont Circle, which he knew to be one of the gay areas of the city. He unpacked, called the Pentagon Police, and made an appointment with their personnel department. They and the Capitol Hill Police were specifically looking for veterans returning from Vietnam.
As he entered the Pentagon, he had the strong feeling that he was out of uniform and would be getting his butt chewed out any minute by a Marine officer. Instead, his ID—which consisted of his driver’s license now—was checked, and he was directed to the Division of Personnel for the Pentagon.
He found the office with little difficulty and filled out an application for the civilian police force that guarded the Pentagon and its grounds, along with various other military facilities. He didn’t actually get an interview but was told he would be contacted if his application met the criteria. He couldn’t imagine that he wasn’t exactly what they were looking for and had every confidence that he’d be getting a call.
Next, he went to Capitol Hill and had a little more difficulty navigating to find the personnel office for the Capitol Police. Finally, after several minutes and some colorful language, he located it and entered.
“Hello, I’m Alex Winston,” he said with a bright smile. “I called yesterday about putting in an application for the Capitol Hill Police.”
“Yes, of course, Mr. Winston. Here’s the application. You can fill it out over there. Did you bring a copy of your DD-214 discharge paper with you?” the woman behind the desk asked.
“Sure did. Would you like it now?” he asked.
“Yes, if you don’t mind.”
Alex took out his discharge paper and handed it over to the young receptionist, who walked down the hallway to someone’s office without even glancing at it. Alex sat down and began filling out the seven-page application for the Capitol Police.
An hour later, he finished and got up, expecting to turn in the paperwork and leave.
“Here it is. I think I filled it all out,” he said to the receptionist.
“Thank you. Won’t you have a seat, please,” she said, indicating the chairs.
Alex sat and watched her go down the same hallway where she’d taken his discharge paper. She came back, and they sat there for twenty minutes before the phone on the receptionist’s desk rang.
“Yes, Lieutenant,” she said and hung up.
“Mr. Winston, Lieutenant Codwell would like to talk with you about your application. Would you follow me, please?”
Surprised, Alex jumped up and followed her down a couple of hallways. They passed two offices before they reached one that had the lieutenant’s name on the door, along with the title of administrative officer.
“Excuse me, Lieutenant, this is Alex Winston,” the woman said, smiling at the lieutenant and then at Alex before she left, closing the door behind her.
“Please, have a seat, Alex,” the lieutenant said.
“Yes sir,” he replied.
“I read your DD-214 and verified it with the Pentagon while you filled out the application, and I must say, I’m impressed with your Marine career. May I ask why you didn’t remain in the Corps?”
“I needed to regain my sanity, so to speak. After two tours in Vietnam… seeing the kinds of things that I saw… the types of missions I was sent on….” Alex trailed off and then spoke again. “I needed to remove myself from that environment, but my loyalty to the Corps will last my whole life. Even though I’m not on active duty, I’ll always be a Marine, sir.”
“I noticed you have a Bronze Star for bravery and a host of other medals. Impressive. I’ve also read your application, and everything looks good there also. So why don’t you tell me why you want to join the Capitol Hill Police?”
“Well, sir, I want to continue to serve my country in a non-military function by working for the government as a civilian. I know, of course, that my Marine time counts toward retirement, so that’s a benefit also. I’m very comfortable in a uniform, I’m more than able to perform the duties of a member of the Capitol Hill Police, and it’s the most important part of our government. I view this place as the nerve center for the civilian government, and I want to be part of it.”
“Can I assume you’ve maintained the physical condition you had in the Marines?”
Alex smiled, got up, and quickly unbuttoned his shirt.
“I didn’t mean you had to undress to prove it!” the lieutenant said.
“I don’t mind, sir. It answers your question,” he said as his shirt finally came off.
“Good Lord! I don’t have a man on the force that’s in your shape! Please, put your shirt back on as we talk.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Look, I have a specialized need at the moment, and I think it’s one you can fill for me. We’re putting together a tactical team made up of officers from this department. The team would respond to any serious incident anywhere on the Hill that might require special tactics and weapons. Looking at your Marine record that was faxed over to me, you have an impressive ability with all of the weapons that would be in our arsenal. Of course, I have to put you
through the standard security clearance procedures and a full background check before I can formally offer you a job. Be honest with me. Is there any reason whatsoever that you would fail a background investigation?”
“No, sir.”
Alex knew that the men he had sexual relations with in the Corps in Vietnam would never give him up to an investigator because they would incriminate themselves as well. As for home, his only sexual contact had occurred the night before, and he’d make sure to secure that source ASAP.
“Let me be honest with you, Alex: I want you for this department. I’m making a conditional offer of employment pending the background investigation. You’ll start at a pay grade GS-7 law enforcement slot with promotional potential initially going to a GS-11. After that, depending on how you handle yourself, the sky is the limit. Any questions at this juncture?”
“Will I have to go through more training, sir?”
“Yes, which is really a waste of time for someone with your skills and experience, but the regs require you to do eight weeks at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Georgia. Once you graduate, you’ll have SWAT training with the FBI at your old home—Quantico. When you’re done with all that, you’ll be one hell of an asset to the safety and well-being of this facility. Do you accept?”
“How long will the investigation take?”
“Not more than four weeks, maybe even less. I’ll make it a priority.”
“In that case, I accept, Lieutenant!”
Both men stood up and shook hands. Alex was given a copy of the department regulations and then was taken to be fingerprinted and photographed for the investigators. When he was done with that, he came back to say good-bye.
“Lieutenant, thank you, sir, for your confidence in me. I had no idea I’d actually get a job offer while I was here.”
“You’re a rare find, Alex, and I’d be a fool to let you get picked up by the Pentagon,” Codwell said with a smile.
“Oh, so you know about that, huh?”
“You’d be surprised how much I’ve learned since you walked through my door.”
“One final question… can you recommend housing that’s both safe and close to the Hill?”
“A lot of the men live right on Capitol Hill, which is the residential community that surrounds this place. Often, the guys are looking for roommates because rent isn’t cheap. When I get final clearance on you, I’ll put up a card on the bulletin board in the roll-call room if you like. It would help you a lot to share rent until you can improve your starting grade.”
“Thank you, sir, that would be outstanding. And now, if there’s nothing else, I’ll head over to the hotel for the night and go back to Jersey in the morning. I’m staying at the Rosemont in Dupont Circle, if you need anything else before I leave in the morning.”
“Ah, do you know anything about the neighborhoods here in DC?” the Lieutenant asked.
“No, sir, not a thing.”
“You might want to know that you’re staying in the heart of the gay section of the District, so if you go for a walk, you may run into the gay boys.”
“Ah, that’s no problem, sir. I know how to say no.”
“Okay, just don’t get into any fights. Take it easy, and I’ll talk to you soon, I hope!”
They shook hands, and Alex departed the Capitol Hill Police administrative offices. As he left, he chuckled to himself over the warning that he was in the “gay boy” section of the District. I sure hope so, or my information was wrong!
Now he knew that the Capitol Hill Police were more than likely anti-gay. He’d have to be careful on that score. He took the brand new Metro, which had just opened up for business, and was at Dupont Circle within a few minutes. He got off and looked around to see if he could spot any “gay boys” on the way to the hotel. He smiled when he saw a couple of men holding hands as they walked toward a bookstore.
Washington might not be so bad.
JUST short of four weeks later, the phone was ringing as Alex entered his apartment after doing some shopping. He dashed inside and grabbed it before it could stop ringing.
“Alex Winston?”
“Yes, who’s calling please?”
“This is Claudia Mitchell. I’m a personnel specialist with the Capitol Hill Police in Washington, DC.”
“Oh yes, what can I do for you?” Alex asked and then held his breath.
“Mr. Winston, we’d like to offer you the position of police officer with the department. Your background investigation has been completed, and you’ve been cleared to start work in two weeks. Do you accept?”
“Yes, I accept! What do I need to do now?”
“Lieutenant Codwell is off today, so call him in the morning and ask him that question. You’ll need to get ready to go to Glynco, as I’m sure the lieutenant explained to you. But you should start looking for a place to live here in the District. The lieutenant can answer any other questions. I’ll be sending you the formal offer of the position and other paperwork through the mail. You’ll need to sign and send them back as soon as possible. Any questions?”
“No, ma’am. I’ll talk to the lieutenant in the morning. Thank you for calling!”
HIS first phone call was to his parents, who were delighted for him. His father got on the phone after his mother finished gushing.
“Son, I thought I was proud of you as a Marine, but now you’re going to be working for Congress! A federal police officer! I’m really proud of everything you do, and I know you’ll do as good a job for those folks as you did for the Marines. Your mother wants you to come over for dinner tonight to celebrate. Can you come?”
“Sure, Dad, I’ll be there at six, okay?”
“Sounds good, see you at six!”
Alex smiled as he hung up. Things were really working out for him. He made another phone call.
“Yes, is this Alex?”
“Yep. You wanna get fucked tonight?”
“Hell yeah! When should I come over?”
“It’s gonna be a little later than I’d like, but I have to go to my parents to have dinner. I should be back by nine. Is that too late for you?”
“For you, midnight wouldn’t be too late! I can’t wait to get it again!”
“Fine, see you at nine. If I’m not home yet, just wait in your car, okay?”
“Yes, sir!”
Alex hung up and smiled again. I might as well make it a real celebration by getting laid after dinner!
Even though Alex had the same healthy sex drive as all young men his age, he managed to control it fairly well. He remembered the last time he was with Scott and how he’d fucked him hard for a little revenge. He’d take it easier on him and make sure he got what he wanted this time as well. For some reason, he no longer felt any anger toward Scott and decided to show him a real good time.
Chapter Three
THE next morning, Alex got his coffee and poured a second cup for Scott, whom he’d let stay the night after Scott pleaded not to be tossed out. As it turned out, Alex got an extra advantage out of that decision. He was woken up by Scott blowing him and he lay back and enjoyed it. When he finished, Scott got out of bed, dressed, and gave Alex a kiss.
“Thank you for letting me stay overnight. I didn’t feel quite the same way as last time when you practically threw me out the window after you fucked me. Thanks for that,” Scott said with a smile.
“I’m sorry you took it that way, Scott. You wanted it rough and hard, and that was part of the scene I thought you’d like,” Alex lied.
“Oh, I see. Well, that was a great time, just like last night. I kinda wish you weren’t going to be moving to Washington. Nobody fucks ass like you do.”
After Scott left, Alex dialed the number in Washington that would connect him with Lieutenant Codwell. As he waited, he was highly aware that this call was the start of his career in law enforcement.
The call was picked up on the other end. “Lieute
nant Codwell.”
“Sir, this is Alex Winston. Thank you for the formal offer of a position. What should my first step be?”
“Well, you’ve got two weeks to find a place to live. I put a card with your number in Jersey up on the bulletin board yesterday. I suggest you let that work for a couple days, and if you don’t get any calls, I suggest you come back to DC and work with one of the local companies that will help you find an apartment on Capitol Hill. But don’t forget what I said: rent is expensive on your own.”
“Okay, sir, I’ll wait a few days for any response to the card, and then I’ll head down. When do I leave for the training center?”
“They have a class starting in three weeks, which is why I’m pushing to get stuff done. You’ll have a week to get your uniforms and various administrative details out of the way as well as begin to learn the layout of the Hill. There are more tunnels under this place than you’d imagine, and you need to learn the entire complex.”
“Yes, sir. On the day I report, where should I report?”
“Personnel. They’ll in-process you and issue you your police identification and your badge after you’re sworn in. From there, the process will kick in, and you’ll have everything you need by the end of the morning. At lunchtime, you’ll be allowed to take some of the uniforms home with you to store and then return. The first week, you will not be issued a weapon. You have to qualify on the Sig Sauer that’s standard issue for us before you can legally carry it.”
“Okay, sir, that’s all I have for now.”
“Very well. I hope one of the guys will need a roommate.”
JUST before Alex was going to pack for a couple of days and leave for Washington, the phone rang. It was a young police officer on Capitol Hill who had just lost a roommate to marriage. He had an open bedroom for rent in a five-bedroom town house. Alex snapped it up, got all the address information, and sent down a deposit check to his new roommate.
Alex was elated. He couldn’t believe his good fortune. Everything had come together for the ex-Marine in just over four weeks. During the rest of his time in New Jersey, he spent many evenings with his elderly parents, saw Scott a couple of more times, along with another guy he used to date. On a bright Saturday morning, two days before he was due to report for duty, he left New Jersey and moved to the nation’s capital.